* One-Page-Checkout *
* One-Page-Checkout *
Cart 0

Permalink directly to the one-page-checkout - TeleCheckout

Create a permalink to send customers directly to the one-page-checkout TeleCheckout

A cart permalink takes your customers directly to the checkout screen with items pre-loaded into their cart.

Have you ever wanted to link directly to the Shopify checkout screen with a specific cart already loaded with items? Have you ever wanted to put a "Buy it now" button in blogs and newsletters? Have you ever wanted to provide an easy reorder link to customers? Cart permalinks are the answer.

This is what a cart permalink looks like:


Where 31782371098702 is the product variant's unique ID and 1 is the quantity.

So the format of the url is:


Adding Discount Code

To add a discount code, append the discount query string parameter to the above URL:


Specify the language of the checkout

To specify the language of the checkout, append the lang query string parameter to the above URL, with the 2-letter language ISO code:


Can I let the customer edit quantities?

You can't. Quantities cannot be edited when the customer follows a cart permalink. 

Finding a variant ID

Click here to learn how to find a variant ID from within your Shopify admin.


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